Happy Friday! Memorial Day is Monday, July 30th!
To celebrate, all items in the shop are going to be 20% off until Tuesday! Come check out our brand new items, like Bonnie Faery, our reed diffusers, and more!

You may have noticed that Shadowlight Creations is a strong advocate for diversity and we want to make sure the community feels seen, heard, and welcomed! As an LGBT, transgender owned company we want to try to promote acceptance and diversity throughout out candle lines! We've started with our Faery candles and here are a few fun highlights from them!
If you've read Bristol Faery's description you may have noticed the lack of she/her or he/him pronouns! This was done intentionally as Bristol is non-binary! They prefer the use of they/them pronouns. The community we've created for our faery line is accepting and welcoming to all.
Cerena! When you see things within the faery trope you don't often see people of color represented. A lot of this is due to the fact that the fae are not typically part of African or Asian culture, but when a child born and raised in a cultural melting pot does not see themselves represented it can be detrimental for them. This was why we created Cerena Faery, our sweet beekeeper!
Krim was created in response to the turmoil happening between Ukraine and Russia. He's portrayed with prosthetic attachments that help him on the farm, and has a loving and supportive community behind him to help tend to the crops. Physical disabilities happen. Sometimes you're born with them. Sometimes an accident results in them. Krim is our faery to represent those from either side of the spectrum. Like with Cerena, you don't often see representation for those with physical disabilities and we wanted a candle that shows a character with them!
Not yet released, we have one more faery that will be joining the ranks soon! Her name is Nasappa, and she has vitiligo! This is another physical characteristic that is not often represented. Vitiligo is a condition that strips the melanin from the skin and it can occur within any nationality. Nasappa uses the differences in her skin tone to help create fun painted designs for festivals and embraces her difference with pride.

Do you have suggestions or ideas for candles, new products, or something else? Maybe suggestions for packaging or label designs? Feel free to drop us a line and we can talk about it and see if those suggestions can be turned into a product here at Shadowlight Creations! We love hearing everyone's feedback!