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Welcoming the New Year

Writer's picture: shadowflamecreationsshadowflamecreations

Updated: Apr 13, 2023

Happy New Year! We've successfully made it through 2022 despite every hardship that may have come our way. We're so thankful to our customers who have stuck with us this year and our new customers as well! We couldn't have done it without you all. That being said, we will be offering a discount code to all customers who have shopped here in 2022!

THANKSFOR2022 is the coupon code. It will have 1 use per customer, and will get you 25% off of your whole order! This coupon code will stack with the rewards(feathers) as well!

New Additions in 2022

Speaking of rewards, that is one of the things that we added in 2022! You can become a rewards member by following this link: Rewards members have the benefit of discount codes, additional coupons, and we may be adding more discount options later on. If you have ideas for feather rewards please reach out and let us know and we will take it into consideration.

We have also added new candle collections and other product items! In 2022 we welcomed the following:

  1. The Faery Collection, featuring unique fragrances and stories for each candle. Our Faeries also come with a coloring page! The coloring pages are available even if you do not purchase the candles. So far we have Bonnie, Bristol, Cerena, Florina, Krim, and Nasappa Faery. If you have ideas for new faeries we are welcome to suggestions!

  2. The Three Amigos was added in 2022 as a thank you to the people who help with Shadowflame Creations. The Alchemist is a representation of me (Damon Phelps, owner of Shadowflame and candle maker!). The Artist is a representation of our resident Artist, Artodile! Story Steeper is a representation of our editor/writer, Jessica. I am so thankful for the help that these wonderful people offer to Shadowflame and I look forward to collaborating with them more as Shadowflame continues to grow.

  3. 17.5 oz Status Jars were added in 2022 as more customers began requesting larger candle sizes! We love the aesthetic look of these and may be offering more candle vessels in 2023! What other vessels would you like to see us offer in the new year?

  4. Potion Bottle Diffusers were also added in 2022! These are so much fun, and have quickly become a customer (and personal) favorite. Each bottle comes sealed with wax to prevent the diffuser oil from leaking in transit and to add to that fantasy flair. I love using these in my room while playing Dungeons & Dragons with my friends to help set the mood of the campaign!

  5. 8 oz Diffuser Refills, 2 oz Diffuser Refills, and 1 oz Diffuser Refills were also added to go along with our reed diffusers. We offer our refills in any of our fragrances, and you can use our refills in any reed diffuser vessel.

  6. Perfume Oil was a new addition for us in 2022. These pocket sized, coconut based roll on perfumes are wonderful for travel and smell amazing too. My personal favorites are Sandstrider, Alchemist, and Griffon to wear around!

One more addition for 2022 was the purchase of a shed! We are still renovating the shed and have almost completed the installation of the drywall! You can keep up on renovation progress on our TikTok! We also post candle making videos and candle description videos on our TikTok. You can also request that we package your order on TikTok in the order notes during checkout!

We would also like to take this moment to wish a farewell to those we have lost in 2022. My African Gray passed on July 31st of 2022. He was 52 years old and I had been gifted 5 wonderful years with him. I am thankful for the time that I was able to spend with him and hope he is enjoying a pistachio filled afterlife. We added the Pistachio Me Peasant sticker to our shop in memory of him.

Thanks to everyone's contributions this past year, we were able to offer the following donations to charities:

  1. Revenue Earned in 2022 allowed us to donate $155.00 to Ziggy's Haven Parrot Sanctuary! Ziggy's Haven has supported us throughout our entire journey and we can't thank them enough for being with us and supporting us. They are why we craft avian friendly products and why we educate about candle safety around parrots. Having had parrots myself, and having parrots at home from other family members - we work hard to ensure that our products are safe for all animals and people!

  2. Krim Faery Candle Sales in 2022 allow us to donate to Razom to help fund the relief effort for the strife in Ukraine. Sales from 2022 allowed us to donate $26.44 to this relief act! We also have the link for Razom under Krim's candle information in addition to the symbolism chosen for his candle and how it relates to Ukraine.

Plans and Goals for 2023

Our main goal for 2023 is to complete the shed that we are in the process of renovating. This shed will become the main production workshop for Shadowflame Creations and allow us to move many of the production activities from our small bedroom into a dedicated workspace. Currently, we are doing all of our order printing, cricut sticker and label making, packaging, and wax sealing inside of our small bedroom. It is not ideal and leaves limited space in the room for general relaxation and inhibits us from truly stepping away from work since our bedroom is a workspace. In addition to this, we can begin storing finished products inside of the new shed as it will be temperature controlled! This will allow us to pre-make many of our items so we will have the ability to process orders much faster. The current candle making shed we are using is not insulated and is subject to the high temperatures in Florida, meaning candles will melt if left inside. We are also sharing the space with the holiday decorations, meaning we have limited room to work inside. The new shed will offer us room to better organize our products and work without distractions. It will also allow the family to utilize the holiday shed without the candle manufacturing being in the way. If you would like to help us fund this project, we have donation links here: Donate/Shop/Social Media or giving our shop a like and a share helps too! We love word of mouth, reviews, and seeing customers who enjoy our products sharing why they love it or how they've utilized the items in their spaces!

New product lines are also being added in 2023! We are currently working on The Greek Pantheon!

The Greek Pantheon currently features Hades as our first candle released in 2023. Many other Greek Gods and Goddesses will soon be joining him, so keep an eye out for that! If I remember correctly, we have around 16 Deities and other Greek Figures (Like Medusa) that we would like to add to this collection.

We hope to be able to improve upon our Sealing Wax listings as well, and begin offering curated color mixes.

Other projects that we are tentatively looking into are:

  1. New Candle Vessels/Sizes

  2. New Diffuser Vessels/Sizes

  3. Wax Melt Scoops (Small wax melt beads for wax warmers)

  4. Body Lotion/Salve

  5. Body Sprays?

  6. Room Sprays?

  7. Room and Vehicle Air Fresheners?

  8. Soaps?

What products would you like to see us carry in the new year? Do any of the suggestions above interest you as a customer? Once again, we would like to extend a thank you to our customers, both new and old, that have helped support us in 2022. We look forward to this new year and the opportunities that we have to offer new and exciting fragrance blends! We would also like to thank the shops that allow us to consign goods with them!

Ziggy's Haven Parrot Sanctuary in Inverness, Florida - 80 N Florida Ave, Inverness, FL 34453

Citrus Coastal Creations in Crystal River, Florida - 15 N W Highway 19, Crystal River, FL 34428

Conworld's Emporium in Tarpon Springs, Florida - 9 S. Safford Ave Tarpon Springs, FL 34689

You can find our candles, diffusers, and wax melts at the locations listed above! We also offer local order pickup at Ziggy's Haven during checkout. Stay safe and stay curious, adventurers! Keep moving towards those goals this year. Every little inch forward is still progress and is still something to be immensely proud about. Celebrate your victories, even if they're small. They are worth celebrating. YOU are worth celebrating! To a fruitful new year, Damon Phelps Shadowflame Creations LLC



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