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Nasappa - a spirited blend of sunflower, pipe tobacco, and freshly cut grass.


4 oz Soy Candle
10-14 Hour Average Burn Time


Nasappa Faery is quieter than many of their counterparts, preferring the solitude of the Mirage Marshes for inspiration. She can often be found by the pond with her painting set and an easel, capturing the landscapes of Blue Bonnet Ridge in beautiful watercolor. Sunflowers are one of her favorite items to paint, with their brilliant yellows and roasted chestnut-colored centers that brim to bursting with seeds as the flower matures. She brings back handfuls of sunflower seeds, salting them for snacks or processing them for oil, which she uses to make her own paints. 


Her artistic abilities are celebrated throughout the Ridge. Local shopkeepers and even homeowners ask her to paint colorful murals on their walls, and her family portraits capture each family member's personality in vibrant detail. At festivals and other town events, she paints people's faces with beautiful butterflies, birds, and flowers. But the first face she paints on those days is always her own. She looks into the mirror, studying her face. She looks at the speckles of color on her skin—chestnut brown in some spots, coconut milk-white in others—and lays on paint one brushstroke at a time, creating an image that highlights her unique skin tone. Then she dons her favorite red dress, sparkly gold and silver arm bands, and heads out for a day of bringing joy through her art.


When she isn’t making art of her own, she runs a small workshop where she gives painting lessons to children and painting hobbyists. The aromas of sunflower oil and sweet cherry-vanilla incense fill the air, providing a soothing atmosphere while she and her guests paint and relax.  


Candle Scents:

Sunflower: Orange blossom, melon, mandarin, peach, bergamot, Brazilian rosewood, cyclamen, osmathus, orris root, jasmine, sandalwood, amber, cedar
Pipe Tobacco: Cognac, tobacco, cherry, vanilla
Fresh Cut Grass: Green leaves, moss, sage, grass, lemongrass, citrus 


* Nasappa means energetic and creative and has Arabic origins. 


** This candle comes with a blank coloring sheet! If you would like another one to try out you can download it here:

Nasappa Coloring Sheet


** Nasappa has a skin condition called Vitiligo! This condition strips patches of pigment away from skin and hair over time and can occur in any ethnicity. 

*** The petals of the sunflower plant can be used to make watercolor paint! The color tends to turn out a very dilute yellow color, but if boiled the color can shift towards brown. 


**** Sunflower seeds can be processed to make a purplish gray dye, oil for making paint or for cooking, or can just be baked with a little salt and oil for a tasty snack. 

Nasappa Faery - Grassy Sunflower & Tobacco

$9.00 Regular Price
$7.65Sale Price
Excluding Sales Tax
  • All of our candles are made with 100% Soy Wax. We use fragrances that are carcinogen and phthalate free. Our wicks are cotton and paper core. 

    A portion of the profits is donated to Ziggy's Haven Parrot Sanctuary. 

    Tags: fae, cryptid, collection, candles, candle tins, gift sets, faery, magical, holo, glitter, eco-friendly, tabletop, mood setting, faerie candles, faery candles,  painter faery, artistic faery, vitiligo, skin condition, sunflower, pipe tobacco, fresh cut grass, fragrant candle, clean scents, ttrpg, rpg

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