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Tealight Candles with herbs to assist in cleansing negative energies and hex breaking rituals, scented with Library (Sandalwood)


For millennia, the use of candle magic and color magic has been employed by nearly every culture. Whether the purpose was for prayer, to honor a passed on loved one, or to invoke the proper energies for a spell, candles have been a staple of every type of magic across the globe. Many cultures of witches, healers, shamans, sorcerers, and medicine men still actively use these kinds of magic today.


At Shadowflame Creation, we have personally selected the optimum colors, fragrances, magical herbs, and even the day of the week, to hand craft the perfect spell candle.


All of our spell candles are made from 100% Soy Wax and use all natural cotton and paper core wicks to promote a slow, even burn. The fragrances used in our candles are carcinogen and phthalate free fragrance oils, and have been personally selected for the proper spells. All herbs used in our spell candles have been organically grown, harvested, and dried by shop members and non-shop members who practice the Craft, and all have been carefully selected for the highest efficacy.


For maximum potency and effectiveness, all herbs and all candle making processes for this spell candle occur only on Saturday to honor Saturn. Furthermore, all colors and fragrances used have been selected to promote protection, cleansing, exorcism, and hex breaking.


Saturday is Saturn's day. He watches over the mortal world, shielded by his rings of protection. When he is called upon for aid, he extends his rings to surround us and bind the negative energies, clearing them from our space. For this reason, this candle is made only on Saturdays and it is recommended that the candle be burned on Saturdays for the greatest effectiveness. For best results, burn the candle all throughout your house or ritual space


Our spell candle has been charged with the proper intent, however we still suggest that you charge it with yours to increase effectiveness for you personally.


++ As this candle is only made on Saturdays, supplies may be limited so please try to order in advance. This way your product will be delivered to you sooner rather than later.


Ingredients: soy wax, cotton and paper core wick, color oil, Library (Sandalwood), ash of mercury, thai basil, sage, rosemary, witch hazel, vertivert, mistletoe, black pepper, Hawthorne

Protection & Cleansing Ritual Tealights

PriceFrom $6.80
Excluding Sales Tax
  • These candles are only made on Saturdays. Please plan accordingly when ordering.

    These candles are made using only 100% soy wax, and fragrance oils that are free of other harmful ingredients. They are phthalate free, free from carcinogens, reproductive toxins, and other potentially hazardous chemicals often found in fragrance. We can also do uncolored and unscented! We do not use UV blockers, vybar, or any other stabilizers in our candles. They are bare bones, rustic, and hand made in small batches.  The herbs are sourced from local metaphysical shops or from our own garden. 

    Ingredients: soy wax, cotton and paper core wick, color oil, Library (Sandalwood), ash of mercury, thai basil, sage, rosemary, witch hazel, vertivert, mistletoe, black pepper, Hawthorne

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